heel spur
What is the heel spur?
Heel spur is a bony growth on the underside of the heel bone. The underlying cause is a common condition called “plantar fasciitis”. This tendon forms the arch of the foot, from the heel to the sole of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is a constant pain. Interestingly, in some people the heel bump is prolonged, but no pain is felt for years until one day the pain suddenly appears “out of nothing.”
The heel spur is characterized by a severe pain under the heel when getting out of bed in the morning or after sitting for a period of time. Walking around for some time often helps reduce the pain, turning it into a deaf ache. However, sports or long walks make the condition worse. In some cases swelling may get around the current heel.
main reasons
The cause of heel spurs is excessive pressure imposed on the sole of the sole of the foot over a long period of time, due to various factors. These factors include incorrect gait, weight gain, aging, or being in a job that requires a lot of standing on hard floors. It is usually a combination of any of these factors that will trigger the development of the heel spurs.
Comfort is most important in the case of the heel spur. Athletic, running and long walks should be avoided. If you are in a job that requires a lot of standing, take a few days off work.
Moreover, you can use ice packs (put on the heels for 5-10 minutes) to “soothe” the inflamed area. You may be taking anti-inflammatory medications or applying an inflammatory topical (i.e. cream) to help reduce inflammation. In addition, there are some simple exercises that should be done daily to help relieve heel spurs pain.
Orthotic treatment of heel spurs
The above measures provide only temporary relief. Heel spurs can also be treated by wearing orthotic insoles inside the shoe. Orthotics are designed to correct incorrect gait, in particular over-pronation (rolling in the foot and collapse of the arches). Over-pronation is a very common foot condition, affecting at least half of the Australian population. It is a major cause of heel bump.
In Alimran Center we recommend the following treatments:
For physical therapy (physical therapy)
- Electrical stimulation
Long and short wave therapy
Cold lasers
Ultrasound treatment (sonar)
Sigma - Steroid injection
- Ozone treatment
- Pulsed radiofrequency treatment
- Botox injection therapy
- Acupuncture
- Prolotherapy injection
- Orthopedic surgery is very effective as this device corrects the foot to its natural position